Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

True Story

I saw my future.
He was beautiful and ridng a bike.

State Run Radio

Saw him perform this live a while back at the out my mind just in time tour

We are not LOSERS we are LASERS

Friday, September 24, 2010

Roomie Love


maybes and neverminds

an ode to the stuff i wanted and never got.

Filthy Flow.

My name is Murphs of an African race
To protect me from the sun God darkened my face
So get the fuck out my space
And stay the fuck off my plate
This is the age of facebook so get the fuck out my space
& we making it rain in the middle of the summer
My flow is wide but i dont fuck around with hummers
Cruisin until sunup plottin on the come up
I got shit to buy so I'm gunnin for yo gunnas
God fuck a nigga but protect my brothers
Creating this shit so respect thy mother.

the first two lines i found floating around the blogosphere (much respect to whoever made that up) the rest is all me

OGtripleOG status.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hello Hey How You Doing?

I am not dead.
Just a college student.
With a part time job