Monday, November 29, 2010

To be a Queen...

you must, be Schwaggy all around
own that swag

be on that real talent not just looks swag

know your swag is unfuckwiitable, when the whole world tells you no

have that humble swag, even though you know you be the BADDEST around

lol you know im right

To be considered a "BAD BITCH"....

by most typical niggas
you must,

  • be light skinned
  • be skinny or have some type of banging unrealistic ass body
  • have long hair dont matter if its weave
  • have natural hair but it has to have a loose curl pattern
  • take webcam photos that look impromtu (but really you just took 78 pics to acheive that nonchalant look)
  • call yourself a bad bitch (not all the time a lot of the time some dude will say it for you)
  • wear american apparel spandexy type shit
  • have some type of colored eyes even if their contacts (this can be overruled if your light skin and have really long hair)
  • do sexy shit with your lips in pictures

here are 2 examples

#artsy guy baddie

#everyone else and on the lowkey artsy guy baddie

lol you know im right .

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cold Hearted

My momma fightin' for years
My momma fightin' her tears
Now she gotta explain the game of her life to her son
But the sun still shines
Nine children and a newborn scorn brother two
Blu, life isn't young
Dumb kid with a tongue, that I got from Hip Hop
But she left me for you, so I'ma give her to you
Cold hearted and young

Blu Saved My Life Today

Hold On John
Dancing In The Rain
you just dont know.
on repeatttttt.