Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Girls In The Bathroom

ok so me and some homies of mine are gonna start a poetry group next year. as a result ive been on a writing like crazy. The other night i wrote a poem called girls in the bathroom. i wont post it quite yet cause im not yet satisfied. Anyways i figured id talk about the ritual of girls in the bathroom.

Firstable let me say it truly is a royal mind fuck.
At every major event/venue/party/whatever look at girls bathroom in comparison to the guys. There is always always always a line. A long one at that.
Thats because girls dont go to the bathroom to use the bathroom no they have to put on makeup and change clothes and fix clothes and so on and so on. Me personally im the type that does all that before i leave the house + i dont give that much of a fuck.
But dont take this as me excusing myself, because just like every other girl on this planet i look in the mirror and fix my hair and adjust my clothes or whatever.
Next time your in the bathroom look at the most un-shallow un-self centered girl you know and watch her fix herself just like everyone else. Yes i know that every girl does this yet i am still annoyed at the fact that every girl does this.
Im especially annoyed at those girls who go to the bathroom just to look at themselves.
I know i shouldnt be but i am even though ive done that before.
Maybe its because im subconciously aware of the fucked up unreal standard of beauty they give us girls to live up too and i know that i'll never be that cause to be that is to be welll...perfect, yet i still try.
We Still Try
We spend money like it aint nothing on shit to make us look perfect but we can never be perfect enough. So we stare at ourselves in the bathroom agonizing over some shit we'll never be.

I dont know man.
This bathroom shit is universal and it will never go away.
Like I said It's a Royal Mind Fuck.
But look out for that poem its gonna be dope.

1 comment:

yaya said...

i'm not a poet but i have a ear for some banging ass poetry and i'm excited about hearing "girls in the bathroom" it applys to ladies room across the globe
i'm one of those girls lol.i went out yesterday and i swear in about 1 hour i went to the bathroom like 4 times i remember because they had a code on the bathroom..didn't pee once...i also spend lots of money on my appearence and i feel like i have to blush,eyeshadow,nails,expensive weave(danm), [not cheap at all] soo i'll like to hear this good stuff.<3

peace and madd love, yaya