Saturday, March 7, 2009

I Never Saw A Wild Thing Sorry For Itself

"I was me and the world contained me but I was not the world"-Margaret Visser

I've been feeling pissy lately. & I couldn't put my finger on what was making me feel this way. Ive found out. After being annoyed to no end I took a walk. I was frustrated because I had something I wanted to do but I had to wait for someone else to take me. I dont have the freedom to come and go as I please. This irritates me. And as I was walking i thought, "Fuck I gotta go to church tomorrow." & then I realized I feel like everything else is controlling me almost containing me. Wether its religion or school or anxiety about the future whatever. Everything besides intuition is dictating how I live my life. It sucks cause there is no way to function in society without following its rules. But hey it would be nice to live my life the way I want to without any outside influence. And so I leave you with another qoute

"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself."-D.H. Lawrence

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