Monday, February 23, 2009

Good Vibrations Pt. 2

"struggle nother sign that God love you...cause on the low being poor teach you how to hustle.)
(cool points to whoever can tell me what song this is from"

Well I am in a better state of mind than I was last post.
Im working on a mural for my school, so im getting that planned out. First meeting is tomorrow! Im the head of of it. Owee im excited.
Other than that been spending my time with good people and having good conversation.
Ya know how people always say I dont like girls they cause too much drama, none of my friends ever bring me that bullshit. & I kick it with a lotta girls. Hey you can call us boring, but when it comes down to it i'd rather watch my drama on a tv screen then actually have it in my life.

The law of attraction people.
Birds of a feather flock together.

P.S. Big Ups to me I've been blogging consistently =)


yaya said...

"struggle nother sign that God love you...cause on the low being poor teach you how to hustle."

lupe the fiasco "REAL" FOOD & LIQUOR the sunny days i didn't dig the cool album much.

Malon said...

haha yes major brownie points. & Really? i liked the cool. He signed my cd =).Food and liqour was better though. It was before the lupe hype and it was more of the tru fans. And american terrorist sunshine the insrumental kick push 2 and hurt me soul have my heart forever.

Oweee love me some LUPE!