Monday, February 9, 2009

Untitled so far

so some of you out there may know i love to write. heres one of my poems its about my love for music.

My best friend.
She never gives me straight answers never yay nor nay.
Never says hi never says bye. She's just always kinda there.
I leave and she's still their when I come back. I wrong and disrespect her and shes there.
Shes always fucking there like no one else could be or should be. Unbiased and all knowing.
I never talk I just listen. Listen as she tells me her problems. Stories of the blues, love and hate and sometimes silly shit like fries and shakes or milk and cereal or rims and material.
Rifts about love and life. And joys and strife.
And dancing she likes to move.
And even when were not togehter I think about her much. Qouting shit she said is daily rundown and I could go on an on till sundown. When we are not together she is in me relating to every thought I have.
She says it when I can't.
She says it when I don't.
She's better than I can ever be.
Me at my best, Me at my worse.

1 comment:

cynthia. said...

Malon, this is amzzing!

:] i liked this a lot!