Sunday, November 16, 2008


So Im on the comp. searching the internet aimlessly before i started listening to Hucklebery finn on audio book for english and i come across this article Are "Black Books" Necessary? Basically it was saying that the "ghettonizing" of books helps the sale, and a lot of times when books by black authors are not advertised as "black" they dont do good in sales. The article brought up the question of, Is it even neccesary to have a black setion. Now that i think about it there is no like asian section or even white section. Black people are the only ones who seem to be excluded. I personally find it embarassing when i walk into Barnes and Noble and see all these great books with awesome artsy covers and cool names and then you get to the black section and its like "Chocolate thunder" or "Guarding his body" or "Maried to the Game" with some oversexed 1/2 naked bitch on the cover. Its like wtf it makes us look ever so ignorant. I mean im not saying all black books are like that but a big majoriy of them are, and it kinda embarassing. Now ill get of my high horse cause i know ive read some of those books and i must admit theyre entertaining as hell. I guess it like gossip girl in a way i mean gossip girl is in no way intellectualy stimulating but its entertaining as a mug. But white people dont get that negative conotation. If we had a show like gossip girl geared to black culture im pretty sure it would be called ghetto. not much i can do about it anyways.Just thought i would share that with the world.

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